Below is a self-explained test case.
public void testLock() {
* Find by primary key. Search for an entity of the specified class and
* primary key. If the entity instance is contained in the persistence
* context, it is returned from there...Note that only the find(...)
* method of entity manager will try to retrieve entity from persistence
* context first.
Merchant retailer = this.getMerchantDao().findById(Merchant.class, 111l);
Maphints = new HashMap ();
* Regarding what standard hints properties are supported, refer to
* "# Lock Mode Properties and Use" of JPA2.1 specification
* document.
* If no hint 'javax.persistence.lock.timeout' supplied, the underlying
* SQL will be:
* select MERCHANT_ID from MERCHANT where MERCHANT_ID =111 for update
* If provide this hint and set value to 0, the SQL will be:
* select MERCHANT_ID from MERCHANT where MERCHANT_ID =111 for update
* nowait
* If provide this hint and set a value which is greater than 0(the
* measurement unit for hint is millisecond, however it is second in
* SQL, that says if your provide hint with value 10 milliseconds, the
* SQL will tell you wait 0 seconds ), the SQL will be:
* select MERCHANT_ID from MERCHANT where MERCHANT_ID =111 for update
* wait XXX
hints.put("javax.persistence.lock.timeout", 10000);
* Entity manager won't query all fields of entity in this case, and
* simply perform SQL: select MERCHANT_ID from MERCHANT where
* MERCHANT_ID =111 for it won't reload entity
* The OPTIMISTIC lock must work with version checking.
this.entityManager.lock(retailer, LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_READ, hints);
// must call refresh() to reload entity
this.getEntityManager().refresh(retailer, LockModeType.PESSIMISTIC_READ);
// retailer = this.getMerchantDao().findById(Merchant.class, 111l);
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